Deborah Garland - Eternal Radiance Ayurveda Clinic

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Agni literally means fire. Without Agni, life is not possible. It’s responsible for all transformation, digestion and metabolism. It’s the force that converts food as well as impressions and sensations into energy. Every cell has its own form of Agni, every dhatu has a specialized Agni, every organ and system have types of Agni and your mind and awareness have Agni. All forms of life on earth require Agni.

 Balanced Agni is called Sama Agni. Good health, vitality and robust ojas require balanced Agni.

Balanced Agni supports strong digestion, good metabolism, ample energy, healthy tissues, robust immunity and a calm, clear mind.

Let’s look at the three types of imbalanced Agni.

HIGH METABOLISM is called Tikshna Agni and is associated with excess Pitta dosha. The digestive Agni burns too hot. Food travels through the digestive system very quickly without time to adequately nourish the tissues along the way. Appetite will be strong and sometimes insatiable. You may feel hungry all the time and you may overeat. You may experience acidic, hot symptoms such as indigestion and heartburn. Various types of Pitta symptoms such as loose burning stools, acne, rash, intensity and anger may be present.


IRREGULAR METABOLISM is called Vishama Agni and is associated with Vata dosha. The Agni is variable, sometimes too cool and sluggish and sometimes too hot and quick. You may experience cravings, alternating loose stools and constipation, and mood swings. Various types of Vata symptoms such as dryness, depletion and insecurity may be present.


SLOW METABOLISM is called Manda Agni and is associated with excess Kapha dosha. Digestive Agni is not hot or strong enough. Metabolism will be sluggish and inefficient. The stomach may feel heavy after eating. You may feel as if food is becoming stagnant in the tummy and not moving through the digestive system. The mind can feel dull and foggy. Various types of Kapha symptoms such as excess weight, clammy skin and lethargy may be present.

It’s a good idea to review the some basic concepts of Ayurveda such as the five elements (space, air, fire, water, earth) and how they combine to form the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha). Review the twenty gunas and the concept of “like qualities increase and opposite qualities balance doshas,” and you’ll right away connect the relationship between the types of digestion and dosha imbalance.

The Eternal Radiance, Good Advice for a Long and Beautiful Life is an excellent place to start.

You will clearly discover that:

HIGH metabolism has qualities of PITTA

VARIABLE metabolism has qualities of VATA

SLOW metabolism has qualities of KAPHA

As you go on to explore a bit more deeply into the vastness of Ayurvedic wisdom, remember ALL of it goes right back to the five elements and the twenty gunas.

Sometimes friends and new clients tell me that Ayurveda can seem confusing at times. But if you keep it simple and focus on the five elements and their qualities,

all the concepts of Ayurveda will quickly become second nature to you!

I'm here to support you and help you create a beautifully balanced life through the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda. It's important to me to help you bring Ayurveda into your daily life so that you can stay balanced, youthful, free of disease and live your very best life.

If you're curious about how Ayurveda can help you, please contact me. or check out any of the links above. I welcome your questions.

 Thanks for being here! I'm looking forward to helping you look and feel vibrantly healthy, happy and