
Warming, Calming, Grounding and Nourishing for dry, rough skin. Vata is comprised of Air and Space elements which can result in dry, flaky skin. Use our Vata Body Oil for Abhyanga (self-massage) daily to nourish and nurture dry or mature skin. This is a fabulous all-around body oil your skin will absolutely drink in, especially in the fall when Vata is aggravated and skin naturally loses moisture.
*8 ounces


Cooling, Refreshing, Soothing for sensitive skin. Pitta is comprised of Fire and Water elements which can result in increased heat, inflammation and sensitive skin. Use our Pitta Body Oil for daily Abhyanga (self-massage) to soothe and cool your skin, especially in the Summertime when Pitta is aggravated. Use Pitta Body Oil in your self-care routine to stay cool, calm and collected, with beautiful, radiant skin!
*8 ounces


Invigorating, Stimulating, Warming for sluggish, oily skin. Kapha is comprises of Earth and Water elements which can result in congested, oily skin with sluggish circulation. Use our Kapha Body Oil for daily Abhyanga (self-massage) to invigorate, stimulate and revitalize your skin, especially in the wintertime and early spring when Kapha is aggravated. Use Kapha Body Oil in your self-care routine to stay bright and invigorated with energized, glowing skin!
*8 ounces